She is clothed in strength and dignity...

by Amanda Roothman on 8 August 2022

She is clothed in STRENGTH and DIGNITY; she laughs without fear for the FUTURE. - Proverbs 31:25 


A woman who walks in purpose, doesn't have to chase people or opportunities. Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her. 

I choose to be kind.

Ridiculously, radically, endlessly kind.

Because it makes me happy. 

But I will defend my boundaries without hesitation. 

Make no mistake: I am fierce. I am woman.


Here's to strong women:

May we know them. 

May we be them. 

May we raise them.


for she is clothed in STRENGTH and DIGNITY; she laughs without fear for the FUTURE. 


Happy woman's day! 

Love, your #TaxDivas and #AccountingQueens. xxx

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